ISU Students
ISU students can enroll starting in the spring when your summer/fall registration window nears. Courses require permission of the instructor, so you cannot register yourself via AccessPlus as you do for most other classes. Instead, simply email the faculty member of the course you are interested in taking to schedule a short meeting. They will answer any questions you have about the course, then take down your information to send to the registrar to officially add you to the class list. Summer and fall course registration usually opens shortly after Spring Break. Your exact registration time will be posted in AccessPlus ~midway through spring semester.
For those with financial need: There are a limited number of scholarships available to cover part or all of the Course Fee for Montana classes. Apply on ISU's OneApp platform by the end of February! Look for "ISU Montana Camp Scholarship"
Non-ISU Students
Our SUMMER courses are open to students from any university or community college! Students from other schools can register for one of our summer courses and talk to their home institution about transferring the credits.
Application and registration for non-ISU students will be done through "ISU Online". Please email the camp director, Jennifer Schieltz, at for detailed directions.